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Articles tagged with: re-manufacturing

CHS Lead-Free Conversions

CHS Lead-Free Conversions for Classic Motorcycles and Automobiles
The Cylinder Head Shop helped pioneer the high quality Serdi equipment for use on demanding air cooled classic motorcycles before expanding on to remanufacture vintage automobiles.
With the legislation banning leaded petrol, it is necessary for the cylinder heads of most motorcycles pre-1984 and most automobiles pre-1988, to be converted to accept the …

Twin Plug Conversions

The image to the right is an example of what can be achieved, a Triumph T120 oppositional-angle, twin-plug conversion. Such twins cylinder heads cost from £65.00. Other options offered by the Cylinder Head Shop include the use of an offset vertical relocation of the spark plugs and the use of 8mm or 10mm plugs.
Heads previously considered beyond twin-plug modification …